

Ho Amoheloa ha Carbon Fiber ka har'a Likhahla tsa Turbine ea Moea ho Hola Haholo

Ka la 24 Phuptjane, Astute Analytica, mohlahlobi oa lefats'e le feme ea boeletsi, o phatlalalitse tlhahlobo ea lefats'e.carbon fiber'marakeng oa turbine rotor blades, tlaleho ea 2024-2032. Ho latela tlhahlobo ea tlaleho, 'maraka oa lefats'e oa carbon fiber ka boholo ba mmaraka oa turbine rotor blades o ne o ka ba $4,392 milione ka 2023, athe e lebelletsoe ho fihla ho $15,904 milione ka 2032, e hola ho CAGR ea 15.37% nakong ea kemolo ea 2024-2032. .

Lintlha tsa mantlha tsa tlaleho mabapi le ts'ebeliso eacarbon fiberka mahare a turbine ea moea a kenyelletsa likarolo tse latelang:

  • Ho ea ka sebaka, 'maraka oa Asia-Pacific carbon fiber bakeng sa matla a moea o moholo ka ho fetisisa ka 2023, o nka 59.9%;
  • Ka boholo ba lehare la turbine ea moea, fiber ea carbon e na le karolo e phahameng ea ts'ebeliso ea 38.4% ka boholo ba mahare a 51-75 m;
  • Ho latela pono ea likarolo tsa ts'ebeliso, karolo ea ts'ebeliso ea fiber ea khabone ka har'a sekoaelo sa lepheo la lepheo la turbine ea moea e phahame joalo ka 61.2%.

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Mekhoa ea mantlha ea nts'etsopele ea mahare a turbine ea moea lilemong tsa morao tjena e kenyelletsa:

  1. Tsoelo-pele ea thekenoloji tlhahisong: ntlafatso e tsoelang pele ea mekhoa ea tlhahiso ea carbon fiber le thepa ea thepa;
  2. Ho eketsa bolelele ba lehare: tlhokahalo ea li-blades tse telele le tse bobebe e ntse e hōla e le ho ntlafatsa ho hapa matla le ho sebetsa hantle;
  3. Keketseho ea 'maraka oa tikoloho: e susumetsoang ke tlhoko e ntseng e eketseha ea matla le maano a tšehetso ea mmuso,' maraka sebakeng sa Asia-Pacific o eketsehile haholo.

Liqholotso tsa bohlokoa ka ho fetisisa tsa ts'ebeliso eacarbon fiberka mahare a turbine ea moea a kenyelletsa tse latelang:

  1. Litšenyehelo tse phahameng tsa matsete a pele: tlhahiso ea carbon fiber le ho kopanngoa ho li-turbine tsa moea li hloka chelete e ngata;
  2. Ketane ea phepelo le ho fumaneha ha thepa e tala, e hlokang phepelo e tsoelang pele ea lisebelisoa tsa boleng bo holimo tsa khabone;
  3. Litšitiso tsa tekheniki le tsa tlhahiso: liqholotso tsa ho holisa tlhahiso le ho fokotsa litšenyehelo ho qothisana lehlokoa le lisebelisoa tsa setso joalo ka fiber ea khalase.

Hoo e ka bang 45% ea mahare a macha a turbine ea moea a hahiloeng ka 2024 a entsoe kacarbon fiber, 'me 70% ea lisebelisoa tse ncha tsa moea tse tsoang lebopong ka 2023 li sebelisa li-blades tsa carbon fiber

Kakaretso ea matla a kentsoeng lefatšeng ka bophara e feta 1 TW ka 2023. Katoloso ena e potlakileng e totobatsa karolo ea bohlokoa ea indasteri ho nts'etsapele litharollo tsa matla a ka nchafatsoang ho loants'a phetoho ea maemo a leholimo, 'me e' ngoe ea lintho tse susumetsang kholo ea kholo ea eona ke tlhokahalo e ntseng e eketseha ea lisebelisoa tse sebetsang hantle le tse tšoarellang. kaho ea turbine ea moea, haholo-holo fiber ea carbon bakeng sa li-rotor blades.



Thepa e phahameng ea lisebelisoa tsa carbon faeba ha e bapisoa le likhoele tsa khale tsa khalase li tsamaisa tlhokahalo ealikhoele tsa carbonbakeng sa mahare a rotor ea turbine ea moea. Carbon fiber e na le tekanyo e phahameng ea matla ho boima ba 'mele, e leng ea bohlokoa bakeng sa ho ntlafatsa ts'ebetso le nako e telele ea li-turbine tsa moea.Hoo e ka bang 45% ea li-rotor blades tse sa tsoa etsoa ka 2024 li entsoe ka carbon fiber, keketseho ea 10% ho tloha selemong se fetileng. Mokhoa ona o susumetsoa ke tlhoko ea ho hlahisa li-turbine tse kholoanyane, tse sebetsang hantle tse khonang ho hlahisa lihlahisoa tse phahameng; ha e le hantle, karolelano ea matla a li-turbine e nyolohetse ho 4.5 megawatts (MW), keketseho ea 15 lekholong ho tloha 2022.

Tlhahlobo e tebileng ea Astute Analytica ea 'maraka oa carbon fiber' marakeng oa li-turbine tsa moea e senola lipalo-palo tse 'maloa tsa bohlokoa tse totobatsang kholo e phahameng ea k'habone fiber karolong ena. Habohlokoa, matla a lefats'e a matla a moea a fihlile ho 1,008 GW, keketseho ea 73 GW ka 2023 feela. hoo e ka bang 70% ea lisebelisoa tse ncha tsa moea tse tsoang lebōpong la leoatle ka 2023 (kakaretso ea 20 GW) li sebelisa li-blade tsa carbon fiber ka lebaka la matla a tsona a ho hanyetsa tikoloho e thata ea leoatle. Ho feta moo, ts'ebeliso ea carbon fiber e bonts'itsoe ho lelefatsa bophelo ba li-blade ka 30% le ho fokotsa litšenyehelo tsa tlhokomelo ka 25%, e leng ntlha ea bohlokoa bakeng sa bankakarolo ba indasteri e ikemiselitseng ho ntlafatsa katleho ea ts'ebetso.

Ho feta moo, likhothatso tsa leano le litaelo tsa mmuso tsa ho fihlela ho se nke lehlakore ha carbon ka 2050 li potlakisitse matsete ho ntlafatsa mapolasi a moea a seng a ntse a le teng, ka 50% ea merero ea retrofit ka 2023 e kenyelletsang ho nkela sebaka sa likhalase tsa fiberglass le mefuta e meng ea carbon fiber.



Li-caps tsa carbon fiber airfoil ke senotlolo sa ho ntlafatsa ts'ebetso ea turbine ea moea, ka 70% ea mahare a macha a moea a lebelletsoeng ho ba le likhase tsa moea tsa carbon fiber ka 2028.

Ka lebaka la matla a phahameng a khethehileng le ho tšoarella ha carbon fiber spar caps, boithuto bo bontša seocarbon fiberli-spar caps li ka ntlafatsa ts'ebetso ea blade ho fihla ho 20%, e leng se bakang mahare a malelele le ho hapa matla a phahameng. Li-carbon fiber spar caps li nkile karolo ea bohlokoa keketsehong ea 30% ea bolelele ba lehare la moea lilemong tse leshome tse fetileng.

likatiba tsa carbon fiber spar

Lebaka le leng la ho sebelisacarbon fiberspar caps ka mahare a turbine ea moea ke hore e fokotsa boima ba lehare ka 25%, e fokotsang litšenyehelo tsa thepa le lipalangoang. Ho phaella moo, bophelo ba mokhathala oa carbon fiber spar cap bo phahame ka 50% ho feta lisebelisoa tse tloaelehileng, tse fokotsang litšenyehelo tsa tlhokomelo le ho lelefatsa bophelo ba turbine.

Ha indasteri ea moea e sebetsa ho fihlela lipehelo tsa lefats'e tsa matla a ka nchafatsoang, ho amoheloa ha mapheo a carbon fiber le li-spar caps ho tla eketseha ho feta. Ho hakanngoa hore 70% ea mahare a macha a turbine ea moea a tla ba le likhase tsa carbon fiber spar ka 2028, ha ho bapisoa le 45% ka 2023. Phetoho ena e lebeletsoe hore e tsamaise keketseho ea 22% mosebetsing oa kakaretso oa turbine. Ka tsoelopele ea tekhenoloji ea carbon fiber e eketsang matla a thepa ka liperesente tse 10 le ho fokotsa tšusumetso ea eona ea tikoloho ka liperesente tse 5, sebaka sa li-caps tsa airfoil se lebelletsoe ho laola le ho fetola moralo oa turbine ea moea, ho netefatsa bokamoso bo tsitsitseng le bo sebetsang ba matla a ka nchafatsoang.

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Maqhubu a 51-75 m a turbine a rena lefatšeng lohlecarbon fiber'Maraka oa lehare la turbine ea moea, le ts'ebeliso ea mahare a khabone a ka eketsa tlhahiso ea matla ka liperesente tse 25

E susumetsoa ke takatso ea ho sebetsa hantle, ho tšoarella le ts'ebetso, karolo ea 51-75 metres ea 'maraka oa lehare la turbine ea moea e fetohile matla a ka sehloohong ho faeba ea khabone. Thepa e ikhethang ea carbon fiber e etsa hore e be thepa e loketseng bakeng sa sehlopha sena sa boholo. Matla a matla ho boima ba thepa e ka makhetlo a mahlano ho feta a tšepe, e leng ho fokotsa boima ba lehare haholo, e leng se etsang hore ho be le matla a matla a ho hapa le ho sebetsa hantle. Karolo ena ea bolelele e emetse sebaka se monate moo tekano lipakeng tsa theko ea thepa le ts'ebetso e ntlafalitsoeng, 'me li-blade tsa carbon fiber li na le karolo ea 60% ea mmaraka sehlopheng sena.

Maemo a moruo a matla a moea a kentse letsoho ho tumang ha carbon fiber lekaleng lena. Theko e phahameng ea pele ea carbon fiber e fokotsoa ke bophelo ba eona bo bolelele le tlhokomelo e fokotsehileng. Li-blades tse entsoeng ka carbon fiber li na le 20% ea nako e telele ea bophelo ba tšebeletso sebakeng sa limithara tse 51-75 ha li bapisoa le li-blades tse entsoeng ka thepa e tloaelehileng. Ho feta moo, litšenyehelo tsa potoloho ea bophelo ba li-blade tsena li fokotsehile ka 15% ka lebaka la ho fokotseha le ho lokisoa. Mabapi le tlhahiso ea matla, li-turbine tse nang le li-blades tsa carbon fiber sebakeng sena sa bolelele li ka hlahisa ho fihla ho 25% ea motlakase o eketsehileng, e leng se etsang hore ho be le phaello e potlakileng ho tsetelo. Lintlha tsa 'maraka li bonts'a hore kamohelo ea fiber ea khabone karolong ena e eketsehile ka 30% ka selemo lilemong tse hlano tse fetileng.


Matla a k'habone ka har'a mebaraka ea matla a turbine ea moea a boetse a susumetsoa ke tlhoko ea mehloli ea matla e tšoarellang le e nchafalitsoeng, ka matla a moea a lebelletsoeng ho fana ka 30% ea motlakase oa lefats'e ka 2030. Mahare a 51-75 m a loketse haholo mapolasi a moea a kantle ho naha, moo li-turbine tse kholo le tse sebetsang hantle li bohlokoa. Ho romelloa ha lits'ebetso tsa kantle ho naha ho sebelisa li-blade tsa carbon fiber e eketsehile ka 40%, e tsamaisoang ke maano a mmuso le lithuso tse reretsoeng ho fokotsa likhase tsa khabone. Bolaoli ba karolo ena ea mmaraka bo boetse bo totobatsoa ke tlatsetso ea 50% ea carbon fiber kholong e akaretsang ea indasteri ea moea,carbon fibereseng feela khetho ea lintho tse bonahalang, empa lejoe la motheo la lisebelisoa tsa motlakase tsa nako e tlang.

Ho phahama ha matla a moea a Asia-Pacific ho etsa hore e be matla a ka sehloohong a khabone bakeng sa mahare a turbine ea moea.

E susumetsoa ke indasteri e ntseng e eketseha ea matla a moea, Asia Pacific e hlahile e le moreki ea ka sehloohong oa carbon fiber bakeng sa mahare a turbine ea moea. Ka ho feta 378.67 GW ea matla a matla a moea a kentsoeng ka 2023, sebaka sena se nka hoo e ka bang 38% ea matla a kentsoeng lefatšeng ka bophara. China le India ke baetapele, ha China e le 'ngoe e kenya letsoho ka matla a 310 GW, kapa 89% ea matla a sebaka seo.

Ntle le moo, China ke moetapele oa lefats'e kopanong ea turbine ea moea ea lebopong la nacelle, e nang le matla a selemo le selemo a 82 GW. Ho tloha ka Phuptjane 2024, China e kentse 410 GW ea matla a moea. Lipheo tse matla tsa sebaka sena tsa matla a ka nchafatsoang, tse susumetsoang ke tlhokahalo e ntseng e eketseha ea matla le boitlamo ba tikoloho, li hloka mahlale a tsoetseng pele le a sebetsang hantle.

Sebaka sa Asia-Pacific se na le baetsi ba k'habone ba etelletseng pele, ba netefatsang phepelo e tsitsitseng ea fiber ea carbon le boqapi ba mahlale. Sebopeho se bobebe sa carbon fiber se lumella hore ho be le li-diameter tse kholoanyane tsa rotor le ho ntlafatsa bokhoni ba ho hapa matla. Sena se entse hore ho be le keketseho ea 15% ea tlhahiso ea matla bakeng sa lisebelisoa tse ncha ha ho bapisoa le thepa e tloaelehileng. Ka matla a matla a moea a boletsoeng esale pele hore a tla hola ka 30% ka 2030, ho amoheloa ha fiber ea khabone ka har'a li-turbine tsa moea ho tla tsoela pele ho nyoloha sebakeng sa Asia-Pacific.



Shanghai Orisen New Material Technology Co., Ltd
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Email: grahamjin@jhcomposites.com
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Nako ea poso: Jul-18-2024