Fiberglass Alkaline-resistance Mesh is widely used in wall reinforcement, EPS decoration, out-side wall heat insulation and roof waterproofing. Fiberglass Alkaline-resistance Mesh can also reinforce cement, plastic, bitumen, plaster, marble, mosaic, repair dry wall, gypsum board joints, preventing all kinds of wall cracks and damage etc. Fiberglass Alkaline-resistance Mesh is an ideal engineering material in construction.
Firstly, keep wall clean and dry, then attach Fiberglass Alkaline-resistance Mesh Tape in the cracks and compress, confirm that the gap has been covered by tape, then use a knife to cut off it, brush on the plaster. Then let it dry naturally, after that polish gently and fill enough paint to make It smooth. Afterwards have leaked tape removed and pay attention to all cracks and make sure that all are properly repaired, with subtle seam of composite materials will complement the surrounding modified to make it bright and clean as new.