Polyurethane plastic granules are used to produce products in various fields, including the use of polyurethane in the process of building construction made of heat preservation pipes, or in some clothing decoration industry can also be found in polyurethane as the raw material, after a special process of production of shoe soles, which have the characteristics of lighter materials, stable performance.
Polyurethane plastic granules for plastic runway underlay, with high strength, good elasticity, wear resistance, anti-aging, hardness, durable, excellent rebound and compression recovery, the overall performance is excellent, is a variety of competitions and training with mixed, composite, full-plastic plastic runway pavement of the ideal material.
Polyurethane materiales, quae habet admodum amplis usus, potest adhiberi loco Flexilis, plastic, nylon, etc. in Airports, hotels, builds, cement, automobile, calculus arte, parcis et in.
Partes of Polyurethane:
Polyurethane potest esse in fabricare de plastics, Flexilis, fibris, rigida et flexibilia spuma, adhesives et coatings, etc. Potest esse in variis agris de animabus et habet amplis applications.